What Is the Best Book Publishing Format: Print, eBook, or Audiobook?
Indie-Publishing News, Education, and Resources from 1106 Design.
What Is the Best Book Publishing Format: Print, eBook, or Audiobook?
“Should I publish an eBook only?"
“Should I publish my book in print?”
“Would it be a good idea to create an audiobook version of my book?”
“Which format is best?”
These are questions that many indie authors grapple with once it comes time to prepare their books for publishing. Unfortunately, the answers to these questions vary from author to author and depend upon several factors, including an author’s goals, target audience, and budget. Because of costs, some authors may think it best to stick with just one format, while other authors see the wisdom in using multiple formats. No single approach will suit all authors, but we’ll discuss a few of the pros and cons of each format so you can make a more informed decision on how to proceed….
Click here if you’d like to learn more about the pros and cons of publishing in print, eBook, and audiobook formats.
BrainStorm by Sara Schley
In college, Sara Schley was at the top of her game. A scholar-athlete, Schley appeared to have it all . . . until she had her first brain breakdown. Over the course of twenty-five years, she searched for an answer to what ailed her. Five psychiatrists later, she finally received a life-saving diagnosis that enabled her to receive the care she needed: Schley has a bipolar II brain on the bipolar spectrum.…
Click here to learn more about Sara and how her book can save lives.
GoodEReader: HarperCollins and KKR to Bid on Simon & Schuster
“Paramount Global has put its book publishing house on sale again, inviting bidders. HarperCollins and KKR & Co are two of the leading names in the list of bidders, the Wall Street Journal reports.”
Writer Beware: Current and Former New Leaf Literary & Media Authors Speak Out
“How unfortunate for these authors. My heart goes out to them.”
The Alliance of Independent Authors: Using Your Creative Mission to Discover Your Publishing Purpose
“On the Creative Self-Publishing Podcast, ALLi Director Orna Ross discusses how to use your creative mission to discover your publishing purpose.”
Jane Friedman: The Business Clinic
“Do you feel like there's a problem holding you back from achieving your goals as an authorpreneur? In order to help writers tackle business problems, Jane Friedman hosts The Business Clinic, a series of free online sessions posted to her YouTube channel.”
Check Out Our Services
Cover Design
Did you know that all three of our cover design services include a free barcode and a free eBook cover? Our Premium and Advantage Plus plans also include 3 front cover concepts and up to 15 rounds of revisions. Your cover is often the first part of your book readers will judge. Don’t settle for an amateurish cover that will turn customers away. Draw them in with a professional, stunning cover that will pay for itself in the long run.
To learn more about our cover design services, please visit this link or contact us here.
In case you missed it…
Why Authors Should Beware of Hybrid Publishers
Click here to learn more about your publishing options and why true self-publishing is usually the best route.
Goodreads vs The StoryGraph: Pros, Cons, and Which Is Better for Indie Authors?
Click here if you’re on the fence about which platform is right for you.
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